A look back to the Orgatec fair

A look back to the Orgatec fair


Mikel Blasco

Here is a selection of photos from our Orgatec stand in Cologne. We are very happy with the many positive feedbacks you shared with us during this furniture fair!

This presence is driven by our wish to bring the Treku ambiance to modern working environments within the contract furniture sector. Stay tuned, we will present these new features to you in the coming weeks!

Orgatec Trade Fair – Cologne

Treku in the Orgatec trade fair in Cologne

We are pleased to announce our first participation in the ORGATEC Trade Fair in Cologne, Germany. This presence is driven by our wish to bring the Treku ambiance to modern working environments within the contract furniture sector.

We would be delighted to welcome you to our stand (K048 in Hall 10.2) and introduce you to our new products.

Clerkenwell Design Week

Clerkenwell Design Week


(Right) Our Bost Collection alongside products of the 8 brands participating in the London showroom.

Clerkenwell. A London district with a rich history of trade, commerce and social life since the 12th century and now the leading design district in the UK, if not perhaps the world. It is home to more creative businesses and architects per square mile than perhaps anywhere else around the world, making it one of the most important global design hubs.

It is here that architects and interior design professionals conceive their ideas and inspiration for projects across all continents of our planet, from London to Los Angeles to Singapore and onwards. London’s reach is truly global.

To celebrate this rich and diverse community, Clerkenwell Design Week is a 3-day design festival which allows both companies and designers to participate in a series of showroom events, exhibitions and special installations that take place across the Clerkenwell area.

This year, for the first time, Treku participated in Clerkenwell Design Week as part of Basque Living London and their recently opened Showroom space.

Basque Living is a collaboration of 8 manufacturing companies based in Spain’s Basque Country who have created an inspiring space where tailored solutions are developed to suit professionals’ needs. This collaborative environment offers each company a great opportunity to find great project partners.

During the Clerkenwell Design Week, the Basque Living showroom hosted a variety of events which allowed all of the companies to showcase both their unique products as well as to communicate the Basque region’s unique culture, allowing us to welcome design professionals and give them a fresh way of understanding Basque design.

Treku were delighted to collaborate with Riya Patel, a leading design writer and curator, who hosted a conversation with Clara del Portillo from leading Spanish Design Studio Yonoh. During this conversation, Clara took us through the process of how Yonoh were inspired to create different furniture collections for both Ondarreta and Treku.

Treku Celebrates its 75th Anniversary

Treku Celebrates its 75th Anniversary

To say that Treku is 75 years old is a factual piece of information, but for us, it makes us realise how far we have come… and we are obviously very proud of that!

The past years have seen a variety of situations. Often joyful, sometimes sad, sometimes amusing or even comical. There is no shortage of anecdotes and we could even imagine making a film about it. One of them is a story we like to tell: the unexpected appearance of a cow in the middle of our factory during a customer visit! Cow had escaped from a nearby meadow and was completely lost, and had come to our workshop. It is easy to imagine the amazement of our visitors present that day!

At 75, we also look back and realise the incredible developments and changes that our societies have undergone: we have seen the birth of television, computers, mobile phones and of course, the internet!

Treku was created in 1947 at a time of European reconstruction and cultural, social and economic transformation. The founder, Jesus Aldabaldetreku, decided to open his carpentry business in Zarautz, a coastal town known since the 16th century for its great naval tradition and with a great knowledge of woodworking. Today, we continue to design and manufacture our furniture from the same location to all corners of the globe.

In this special year, we have one wish, and that is to have the pleasure of meeting you. There should be no shortage of opportunities, whether at a trade fair, a one-off event or in our future showroom in Donostia (San Sebastian). We will be able to share projects, illusions or questions that have been driving us and uniting us for so long.

You, who have trusted us for so long.
You, without whom nothing would have been possible.
Thank you. Infinitely.

Endless possibilities to decorate your living room

Endless possibilities to
decorate your living room


Lauki composition with elliptic legs lacquered in Camel.

The low furniture serving as a support for TV, in front of which we sit on the sofa, can also be used to hold books and magazines, as well as different decorative objects, such as flowers, frames, lamps…


Various Treku low furniture composition pictures. Each one is linked to its collection if you want to find out more.

Several of our collections cover this typology of product and allow, thanks to a wide range of lacquers and woods, almost infinite customisation possibilities. Dark or light, narrow or wide, sober or colourful, the end result of the combination will reflect your personality. Here are some examples of inspiring compositions…

Basque Living London

Basque Living London


Our different collections among the products of the 8 brands present in the showroom

Alongside other Basque design companies, Treku has created the Basque Living showroom in London. Located in the Clerkenwell district, this large-scale project aims to offer architects and interior designers tailor-made solutions for their projects.

Eight Basque brands have joined forces to create this inspiring space, with the aim of offering a broad selection of designer furniture, lighting solutions and household and office equipment, among other elements.

We are delighted to form part of this initiative, which brings together this excellent selection of local companies, and to reaffirm our intention of providing a first-rate service to design professionals working in London, Europe’s leading prescriber in this field.

Further information: Basque Living London

Illustrations of Aura’s 10th Anniversary

Illustrations of Aura’s 10th Anniversary

A decade after Aura’s launch, Treku wants to celebrate its most international product’s birthday. To mark the occasion, it is collaborating with illustrator Ricard Jorge, who has created a limited edition of three prints as a tribute to Aura. The choice of Jorge was not a random one: although he works in a different context from Treku (two-dimensional illustration), the Barcelona-based artist uses the same toolkit as the Basque company: clean lines, sparse geometry and combinations of light and dark.

Discover Ricard Jorge through this video where he presents his work:

Video Credits: Mito & IkerOker

10 Years of Aura

10 Years of Aura


Aura sideboard in Dark Sega
with open unit in Ochre.

Treku is celebrating the tenth anniversary of its most international product, the Aura system. Gorka Aldabaldetreku, company co-director and the founder’s grandson, remembers the history of this innovative product that has resonated with the tastes of design lovers in more than 50 countries.

Perhaps 2011 was not the ideal year to launch a product that had so little in common with what was on the market at that time. Perhaps it was not the moment to present something with that formal appearance and those finishes. Perhaps that is why Treku presented an innovative furniture system, full of subtle details and offering countless ways to personalise it and adapt it to spaces. They christened it Aura and it allowed Treku with nearly 75 years of history to expand the portfolio of international markets in which it works.

Console Aura design Angel Marti Enrique Delamo

Aura emerged at a strange time, not only for the furniture sector, but for the world in general. In 2011, a global financial crisis that would last several years began, and uncertainty was the norm for people and companies alike. Treku was not immune to those circumstances. “We needed to create something different. It wasn’t enough to present just another collection that matched what was already on the market. We had to take more of a risk,” explains Gorka Aldabaldetreku.

Treku contacted designers Angel Martí and Enrique Delamo for them to give substance to the idea the company had in mind: a modern modular system that could work in such a turbulent, complex time, and that could, at the same time, penetrate more foreign markets. “The fact that it was aimed at an international market brought with it some very specific conditions, such as making the collection easy to configure.” What did they develop? A piece of furniture whose light feet create the appearance that it is suspended, hypernatural finishes combined with a very judicious selection of colours… After a year of briefings, meetings and prototypes, Aura became a reality.


Mito & IkerOker

The Leap

It was time to present it to the world. Treku had taken this step before on other occasions, but never with a product like Aura. The Basque company embarked on a tour of the main European furniture fairs, such as Berlin, Cologne, Paris and Milan. “At fairs, you can see immediately whether people like the product a lot, a little or not much. People fell in love with Aura from the beginning,” explains Gorka Aldabaldetreku. The system was presented to society, thereby starting the wave of orders that would go on to encompass some 50 countries around the world. The minimalist concept of Aura even influenced the marketing strategy. For the first time in its history, Treku did not edit a catalogue to promote the new product, but rather produced a case of posters that showed details of the furniture, with precision and audacity. “Looking back now, it was very innovative – daring, even. There was another sort of energy, a lack of awareness that, from today’s perspective, might be surprising,” Gorka remarks.

Ten years have passed since that moment and Aura has achieved a sort of iconic status, having connected with so many styles and countries. Although Gorka avoids the idea of Aura as an icon, he is nevertheless very positive about how it has been received: “The system has worked particularly well in countries where there is a tradition and a culture around design, such as the United States, much of Europe, and even niches like South Korea and Singapore.”


(01) Gorka, Angel Martí & Enrique Delamo debating about Aura
(02) After a year of briefings, meetings and prototypes, Aura became a reality.

Functions and compositions

One of the secrets to Aura’s popularity is its versatility and its capacity to adapt to and serve different spaces and environments – something that has surprised its own creators. “It offers many options for personalisation, the possibility to choose finishes in various natural woods and a broad menu of finishes and lacquers. You can do what you want with it, whatever you can imagine. In fact, clients have devised functions and compositions of the Aura that we had never imagined. Aura in a bathroom as a basin stand? It’s all welcome!” explains Angel Martí, one of the designers.

Gorka Aldabaldetreku smiles when he wonders how Aura will look in 2031, when it has its twentieth anniversary and remains, steadfast, in the company’s portfolio. It will have evolved, and will continue to evolve, but he doesn’t know how. “Aura is a timeless product, but that doesn’t mean it won’t be updated. Updates are necessary, as long as the product doesn’t lose its essence or turn into something else,” he concludes.

Identity & Colours

Identity & Colours



Originally, the Basque word “urdin” described the colors blue, green and grey. “Urdin” means “like water”, and from there this refers to the different tones that can be reflected in a transparent liquid: “urdin” was the color of grey locks of hair but also of the raging sea in winter or a lake between summer pastures. All colors have a meaning and this meaning depends on the context. A red can be erotic or in inappropiate. Yellow, oppressive or therapeutic. Green, poisonous or hypnotic. There are as many colors as there are there are gazes.

Treku color research for finishes

A new chromatic universe

Colors, they say, are an illusion created to understand reality. Like illusions, colors are profoundly subjective. Each color enjoys a meaning according to the eyes, the culture or the sensibility of the person who sees it. Two people never see the same violet, nor the same green, let alone coincide when referring to the same tone of black.

Treku Color Research the blues

Nevertheless, exists chromatic harmony. The chromatic harmony is the equilibrium that one obtains when the right colors are combined. It is consonance, it is calm, it is a piano perfectly in tune.

Treku Color Research the reds

During this last year at Treku, we have studied a pallet of colors. On one side, we want to amplify the chromatic variations of out furniture and offer our clients a wider array of possibilities. On the other, we need for the new pallet to be profoundly coherent, like a family tree in that all parts have a blood as well as sentimental relationship. We want total harmony.

Treku Color Research the greens

Fruit of this year’s work and reflection is the organization of the colors that we present here: five ranges – blues, greens, reds, yellows and neutrals – each one of which steps down through three nuanced levels of saturation. To find the adequate colors we simply had to look around at our surroundings, our sea, our forest, our leaf piles, our beaches and cliffs.

Treku Color Research the yellows

Also, at our skies: in the Basque Country it rains more than half the days of the year. The clouds are a habitual presence on our horizon and help inundate out landscape with a very special light, subtly shaded, without barely stridency, with smooth contrasts and delicate saturations. Our new color palette is an expression of all of that and the necessity to create spaces with soul through our furniture.

Treku Color Research the greys